Paint Your Front Door

Did you know that painting your front door has the potential to increase your home’s value? It sounds a little outlandish at first, but think about it. A freshly painted front door can change the whole look and feel of a home. It can increase the curb appeal and bring a unique flare to the property. Not a bad deal to spend $50 on a can of paint if you can get $2,000 more on your closing price, right?

Front door colors, Šek Design Studio's 'Evaluating Your Brand' blog post

This same high return on investment opportunity exists for businesses that are willing to prioritize their brand. Unlike home updates, though, not as many people take advantage of building up a strong brand. Many business owners instead opt to develop (or piecemeal) their brand together, check “branding” off their list, and move on. But just like a home, some minor updates can make a world of difference to your brand.

Now, not all businesses need to run out and literally repaint their storefront door, but taking the time to evaluate (and address) how your business is presented to your customers can drive huge rewards. It can not only bring more awareness to your offerings but can also increase your business' credibility, differentiate you from competitors, and drive sales.

So where do you begin when you’re evaluating your business’ brand? Below are a few key areas to start:


Brand messaging is how you communicate what you do, how you do it, and from whom you do it for. Your messaging shows up everywhere from the copy on your website down to your social media posts.

Your messaging should communicate the values of your business and key differentiators that are relevant to your customers. Ultimately, your messaging should make your ideal client sit up and care! So be intentional with what you put out in the world, and maybe reread that quick fire tweet before hitting send...


Imagery, photos, pictures — whatever you want to call them — used for your business make up your business' “feel”. Specific thoughts and emotions are triggered when your audience looks at the imagery you use. Make sure you're intentionally selecting images that evoke the feelings you’d like them to have. Joy, inspiration, confidence, security, etc. are all emotions you can help instill in viewers through carefully curated imagery. Additionally, repeated exposure and consistency in the types of images you use will build trust over time in your brand.

Think of the black and white motivational Nike ads we see time and time again. Talk about honing in and solidifying on how you want your audience to feel.

Nike just do it ad, Šek Design Studio's 'Evaluating Your Brand' blog post

Logo design

Saving arguably the best for last, your logo design. A logo is a succinct and efficient way to share all sorts of information about your business. Your logo can help tell your business’ story, indicate the services or products you offer as well as how working with you may be superior to your competitors. It’s for all of these reasons that your logo is one of the most important investments you can make for your business or organization.    

Take a look at your own business and evaluate your branding. Is your business sharing the story you want to tell? Do your visuals represent who your business serves? Does your messaging speak to aspects that truly differentiate you from other companies?

Taking the time to ask and address these questions and others can really pay off over the long run. It might not come as quickly as selling a house but you'll start to notice the positive impacts of branding not just in your bottom line but in all aspects that surround your business.


And don’t worry about the heavy lifting if you need to rethink and address any areas of your brand. That’s what we’re here for!

Šek Design Studio, thoughtful design with your story in mind