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What’s the last book, show, or podcast you really got into?

I recently read the book "Don't believe everything you think: why your thinking is the beginning and end of your suffering" by Joseph Nguyen. The premise is about how overthinking is a natural defense mechanism we use to protect ourselves, but actually holds us back from our fullest potential (and most creative self). It's changed the way I think for the better and I love that.

Heather Farnham

Interactive Front-End Designer & Developer

Heather Farnham is a Duluth native and brings a solid mix of creativity and technical expertise to her work. With a B.S. in Design Technology (focused on digital design) and a minor in visual art, she spent six years as a graphic designer before returning to school to learn web development. For the past two years, she’s been channeling her skills into crafting engaging, user-friendly websites.

Heather’s love for drawing as a child sparked her desire to pursue a creative career. She’s particularly passionate about solving problems through website layout and user experience design, seeing design as an opportunity to create meaningful experiences rather than just visuals. Her work is rooted in empathy, always considering how people will interact with and feel when encountering her designs.

When she’s not working, Heather enjoys hiking new trails, diving into creative projects, and relaxing with her loyal dachshund by her side.

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