Lake Ave Restaurant
Lake Ave Restaurant
Food & Beverage
What We Made
Logo Design
Branding Identity
Marketing Collateral
Logo Design
lake ave
A rowboat, beautiful in its simplicity, faded from the sun and filled with memories of quiet days spent at the cabin and peaceful paddling across familiar waters. It symbolizes that romantic moment when you feel closest to your partner and serves as a reminder for us to row a little slower. The silhouette of the wine bottle speaks to the knowledge and appreciation for the delicate variations that arise when passion and creativity are infused in the production process. The slight rippling of the water is a reminder that each action we take produces a response from nature, and only in that cooperation with our resources will we achieve success. During the relatively short lifetime of Lake Ave Restaurant, its owners and patrons have come to refer to its ambience and menu as ‘Cabin Chic’, which served as a great jumping off point of inspiration for this project.
What they said and how they felt
More of what we have made
Minnesota Ballet
Justice North