You Serve People, Not Potatoes

You serve people, not potatoes. Your clients and partners know how hard you work and how much you do for the community but what does the general public see? How will a potential partner view your organization or business if they don't know you? They're likely not looking for a 'dive' adventure.

I love a greasy spoon breakfast as much as the next person. There's something that just feels so right when your body becomes one with the torn pleather booth or a wobbly bar stool. However, when I first walk into a dive, my expectations are only as high as the level of ketchup in the bottle. ("Oh, you only have packets? Ok.") Dive bars and diners are best approached as little adventures, where the risk/reward level is tipped in your favor, even if the story ends up being better than the food.

So what does a dive joint have to do with your business or organization?The dive almost never has good brand recognition. The logo is old, the menus are busy, the signage might be broken and the interior needs a deep clean, but that's all part of the charm. You're there because a friend recommended it and if you're out $15 bucks after a less than stellar meal, it's not a big deal. Your business is on a completely different level. People may recommend you to others, but if what you do doesn't match how you look, you're losing more than a plate of food.

Your brand story and the presentation of what you do is as important as the people you work with. Potential donors will feel more comfortable giving (and giving more) if they feel like the organization is fresh and poised to provide for the long haul. In short, a new brand can help you raise more funds, connect with more clients and create a stronger work environment. Stick to a strong brand story, share the story internally FIRST, then share it with your partners and the general public.

Next time you're sitting at your favorite dive, throw your outdated business card into the 'free lunch' bowl and don't look back. We're here to help when you're ready.