Follmer Commercial Real Estate | Website
Greg Follmer Commercial Real Estate
Business Services
What We Made
commercial real estate
greg follmer
real estate
“I want to improve my website”. It’s a statement we hear a lot. And for good reason! A website is often the first place potential customers will be introduced to your business. And their experience on your website can determine if they’d like to do business with you or not. While Follmer Commercial Real Estate’s desire to enhance their website was not a new request; how we tackled the ask most certainly was. Follmer came to us with an established brand, a good sense of who they are, and an understanding of what made them stand apart from their competitors. With those elements as a strong foundation, we were able to step in and help incorporate their brand identity into a clean and functional website. Throughout the project, we focused on establishing trust with site visitors. This is conveyed through warm, inviting imagery that captures the exact buildings, and areas of Duluth, Follmer does business in. Furthermore, it is woven throughout the layout and content of the site. With the visitor's needs in mind, the site design was built to allow visitors to easily dig deeper into their areas of interest. Dive into the site to see for yourself!

What they said and how they felt
More of what we have made

Justice North

Sharon McMahon