DSSO 2017-18 Season | Revolutions & Reformations

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DSSO 2017-18 Season | Revolutions & Reformations

DSSO 2017-18 Season | Revolutions & Reformations

Duluth Superior Symphony Orchestra

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REVOLUTIONThe direction of lines in this piece is meant to suggest the back and forth movement of Erin’s bow hand, which is graceful and smooth but varied to achieve rich sounds.INSPIRATIONThe flute is thought to be soft and precise but it can also create beautiful textures. The varied sizes and opacity of the circles is meant to associate the holes of the flute with their ability to create a wide range of sounds.REFORMATIONPlaying with the word ‘Reformation’ in a literal sense, this piece is meant to look like building blocks rearranging themselves while simultaneously providing ‘windows’ to see into a second layer of the musician.POPS: WHITE CHRISTMASWhat better time of year to celebrate the warmth and joy of song? Dirk Meyer conducts a holiday extravaganza, filled with music, costumes and holiday spirit, featuring Lyric Opera Of the North.POPS: PURPLE RAINThe image of a tribute band inside Prince‘s head, which from afar looks like a crown, hints to his intellectual contribution and ‘royalty’ within the music community.SAGASHorns are bright, warm and demand your attention. They tend to have ‘round’ attributes both sonically and physically, which is illustrated by punching out circular holes from the photo creating space for the sound to breathe.REVELATIONS: THE BEETHOVEN PROJECTWhat would the passion of playing a cello look like if a paintbrush were tied to the hand of the musician? How do we visualize the mental preparation and intent underneath each notes?ROOTSA harp‘s notes can spark imagery of dreamscapes and other worldly scenes. The broken space in this piece is meant to reflect a harp’s triangular shape and give the viewer the perspective of looking through a kaleidoscope.POPS: GREEN GRASS OF HOMEGaelynn Lea, winner of NPR’s Tiny Desk Contest, is our featured musician who will help to celebrate the “Apostle of Ireland” on St. Patrick’s Day.REFLECTIONSWhat is the sound of a cymbal? How does the sound radiate from the surface of the round metal? When two cymbals collide, do they make their own sound or does the energy from one reflect off of the other?


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