Twin Ports Choral Project

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Twin Ports Choral Project

Twin Ports Choral Project

Twin Ports Choral Project

Arts & Entertainment

What We Made

Event Promotion

Marketing Collateral


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The Twin Ports Choral Project aims to inspire, engage, and educate audiences through song. Coming up on their 12th season, the TPCP team deemed it necessary to bring in a professional to help elevate themselves and their 2022-2023 season promotion materials.


While each concert has its own unique feel and sound, we set to work finding common threads to help us design a cohesive season look. This meant understanding the music style of each concert and its intended mood. The style we chose to apply for the season is full of depth and wonder, much like TPCP's performances. The season's style provides an overarching theme but still gives room for each concert to have its own distinct look.For each concert individual posters, website images and social media assets and programs covers were created. With this in mind a head of time, we made sure all the season promotional materials remained consistent across all mediums.

Lovers of the Arts

Wan to see more design work created for arts organizations? Check out just a sample below. You'll find season promotional materials, rebrand, mailers, booklets, and more. And if you ARE an arts organization in need of some design help, please reach out. We love design for arts organizations almost as much as we love soaking in the beauty they offer.


What they said and how they felt


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