Grand Marais Art Colony | 2023 Readers & Writers Fest

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Grand Marais Art Colony | 2023 Readers & Writers Fest

Grand Marais Art Colony | 2023 Readers & Writers Fest

Grand Marais Art Colony

Arts & Entertainment

What We Made








non profit






The Challenge

We got the opportunity to help the Grand Marais Art Colony (GMAC) brand and promote their 2021 Readers & Writer Festival. Except...we were going through a global pandemic in 2021, so the event was held virtually. For that reason, we focused in on calling it a 'Non-Fest' in 2021. Well, we're happy to say that fast forward to 2023, the GMAC Readers & Writers Fest is back, and this time in person. Now, however, the event's branding needs a facelift to remove the 'non'. A tweak you might think would be simple, but just removing it left the event's wordmark feeling unfinished.

The Solution: Event Branding & Promotion

For the event branding, having the previously used 'non' removed altered the look of the wordmark. So in order to keep the same feel the event has had in past years, we kept the colors palette the same and focused on the same general book-related imagery. This not only kept the recognition the event had established, but it also keep the event's branding evergreen and something GMAC can use in years to come.Additionally, we built the wordmark to be flexible so it could fit seamlessly no matter the promotional medium. And there were quite a few places the event would be used. We created a bookmark, social post, website banner, email banner, and print ad all promoting the event.

Want to See More?

Event branding takes shape in many ways. We’ve helped organizations promote events digitally, through print pieces, mailers, on social channels, you name it. We’ve listed just a few of our other event promotion projects we’ve worked on below. To see all of our projects, please visit our Work page.


What they said and how they felt


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